Monday, August 13, 2012

My husband was on vacation last week.  We spent the majority 
of the first part of the week working on the shed.  Hopefully in
 the not to distant future I will be able to show you a
completed shed.  I must say it is looking so
  cute good right now and I, for one,  am 
getting so excited for it to be completed.  One the heat
has made it so difficult to muster up the energy 
to even work on it and two....
It is a much needed addition to our backyard!

But, on Thursday and Friday we got some much needed rain.
Downpours actually for at least (almost anyway) 24 hrs
non~stop.  So my husband and I took a road trip up to 
see our Hillary and we took her out to lunch and then we came 
Home thru Amish Country.
Even with all the rain we had a good time.  We stopped at a 
couple of vegetable stands at some Amish homes.  My husband 
had to do the purchasing as I was blocked in with J~channel for the 
much needed shed.  But, I didn't mind too much because of the downpour.
By the time we reached this Amish Home the rain
had let up alot and I did get out and go into the bakery. 
We purchased some cheese bread, pop corn (un~popped),
a homemade candy bar (which I still haven't eaten), and a
pumpkin cookie sandwich....that we shared on the ride Home.

(Google image)

Surprisingly, I didn't even think to take out my camera while
my husband was at the 2 stands we stopped at.  Just as well, 
as you all know they don't like to have their picture taken.  But, I 
did watch from the car.  The first stop a young girl came out to help
my husband.  She had on a black prayer cap 
(which I just found out means she's single),
a coat that looked like it was made of wool
(it was chilly that day with the rain),
and a dress that went about mid~calf or so....
and she was barefoot!  I thought that was so cute!
My husband said she was a very friendly girl and 
probably would have talked with him as long as he wanted.
She had held out her hands and asked him if he could guess 
what she was doing today and he said, "You are peeling beets!"
She was amazed that he knew.  He told her that the stain would last for a
few days and is hard to get off. 
 She said, "That's okay, red is my favorite color!"
We guessed her to be about 14 yrs old.

If only our non~Amish kids were that joyful!

The second Amish stand a young boy ran out to help.
I had to laugh, because he had a plastic grocery sack over
his straw hat to protect it from the rain.  He too was in a coat 
and was also barefoot.  My husband said he was very knowledgeable
about his produce.  We guess him to be about 12 yrs old or so.  
He could name the heirloom tomatoes and that impressed my 
husband.  I remember their yard being so pretty and not a weed
in their garden that ran along the driveway.  Their neighbors were
"English" and I have to say, an old fashioned push mower was
in the Amish yard and their yard was kept so nice....
not so much for their "English" neighbors!

The Amish Bakery was having a fish fry this past Saturday.
I would have loved to have gone.  It was open to the public
and all donations were going to help pay hospital bills.  
"Mary" said that there were alot of babies in the hospital
this past winter and the money was needed to help with the bills.

I can only imagine the turn out of buggies.  
What a sight that would have been!

One last thing:  While we were in the bakery that day, both
my husband and I came out and said boy it sure was dark in there.
It was about 6:00 p.m. and raining, but we had forgotten
they don't use electric!  Kind of funny how use to things we become!

Hope you all are in Good Health and are making Happy Homes!
As Always, Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Now THAT is how I like to spend the day. I'm sure you know how much I enjoy Amish country and the people. I was wondering which area you visited. Can't wait to see your finished shed.

  2. Hi Lisa, came over from Sunny Simple Life. Loved your post. We have Mennonites close by and I love to see the children playing in their bare feet. We sometimes stop and buy produce from them. Yes we tend to take electricity for granted. When the hydro goes out we are beside ourselves.

  3. I didn't realize that you have an Amish community nearby. We have a Mennonite community. The Shakers aren't too far away, but they are not quite cut from the same bolt.

    Lovely descriptions...

  4. Wow sounds like you had a blast!!! Glad you had such a great time. Dont you love vegetable stands!!!

  5. I would love to visit the Amish country. I find them very charming and love their simple ways.

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