Sunday, June 10, 2012

Is it Old or New?....

Hi it's been a few days.
I've been spending alot of time in our yard
sprucing it up and making it more fun and inviting
to be in.  I have recycled a few older things
and added a couple new things.
I'd like to share them with you....

 Here's a little of both....
the only new thing here is this little
wheelbarrow planter, I bought it recently at
JoAnn Fabric's during their 60% off sale.
I have had the Welcome picket fence for
probably about 5 yrs now, notice the E is missing
a little something, need to fix that still.

 My basket liners have all pretty much fallen apart.
I have 4 of these hanging in various spots in our backyard
and have made 3 of the coco liners work using the 4th 
for those.  So I just picked up one new one for this basket.

 This is the birdhouse that got me started
sprucing up the "yard art" I have had around
for years.  I had the birdhouse on a fence post, 
it had no bottom so I just capped the post with it.
The cup and saucer use to be on a wooden stake 
but that kept falling, so I had my hubby put a bottom
on the birdhouse and the cup and saucer on the chimney.
I painted it with bright pops of color and I put bird food in the cup.
Now I am thinking I will paint that metal stand it's on Red....
like I did my old big wheelbarrow from a few posts ago.

 This bird house was boring grey....
it was screaming to be painted
bright Red!

 This guy as you can see was in poor shape.
I think he has been in our basement for the last few years.
Since I was in sprucing up mode I brought him out of hiding
and went at it.  He used to have ceramic eyes and a ceramic nose.
Nowhere to be found....
So I painted him with a fresh coat and purchased
some silly eyes and hung him outside.

 Looks like he's happy now....

 Hope he doesn't scare the birds away....
Ha, ha!

But, this next project I really had fun with.
I purchased her about 4 yrs ago at TJ Maxx.....
it was Love at first sight!  The first couple of years I brought 
her in at the end of the season.  But, sadly the last few I did not!


Hope she can forgive me!

 I took a picture of her parts so I could look back 
to try and paint them as close as possible to how they were.
Love her Smile!

 Some of her charm....
real metal pieces

 Some of her garden tools....
see the strings?  She use to have gloves that hung
waiting for her if needed.

 I decided to leave a few of her parts Rusty
it's part of her charm.  But, I really had fun painting the other pieces.

Oh Yeah.....  
 I found some miniature garden gloves online
and ordered them, they are about 3 1/2 inches.
Not perfect in dimension....
but, she doesn't seem to mind!
(My girls really think I'm losing it now! ha,ha)

 But, she's back and Lovin' her new self!

Last year I purchased 2 new umbrellas for our tables.
Within a few days one of them broke,
they were the crank and tilt kind,
so I returned them and they replaced them both.
(I originally bought brown, but they didn't have more so had to get green)
this year when we put them out, within a couple days of each other
those umbrellas broke.  I bought them locally so I went back to the
place and explained my story.  Just so happened the owner of the
store and the manager where there at the same time.
Lucky for me the owner said bring them back
and I will refund you the money!!!
So I did and....

 Waa Laa....
I went to another BIG BOX kinda place
and purchased 2 new
Umbrellas and had $40 left over!

Then I found a Great Deal for me
on a point and shoot digital camera 
and it arrived a couple days ago. I'm still learning
about it, but so far I Love it!

 and it came with these two CD's....
I still need to watch them.

If any of you out there happen to have this camera
and want to share any info, I'd love to read what you have to say.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my post.
I know it's a long one.

I'm also joining this fun party....
go take a look!

Hope you are having a Wonderful Weekend!
Please leave a comment and tell me what you're up to!


  1. You have done a great job breathing new life into your old and well-loved yard ornaments. They all look so much happier and way less tired. Good for you taking the umbrellas back twice. You've got to admire a store owner who does it right.

  2. Oh, enjoy the new camera and if all else fails, see if David Busch has written a camera guide on it. His books are very well done and easier to understand than the stuff the camera companies send.

  3. Wow you have been busy. I think my favorite is the obelisk in the old galvanized bucket. I love the purple sweet potato vine. I am itching to plant more things from the nursery but we are leaving on vacation at the end of the month and my daughter does not always remember to water the pots so I have to wait. Thanks for linking up.

  4. Love all of your pretty garden trinkets. The new camera looks nice!!! Happy Sunday.

  5. You have been a busy bee for sure. Love all the updates. I bet you have the best garden on the block! I absolutely love the garden angel.. so unique. I can see why you wanted to restore her. Have fun with your new camera.

  6. You know I love this post. You backyard vignettes are adorable. I love all the little treasures you've tucked in. How fun it must be to look around out there. Have a wonderful week. Patty

  7. I love this post ! what neat projects you have done they look great !!!! Your yard looks gorgous ! Have a great start of your week

  8. It looks like you have really been having a great time sprucing things up! I haven't been to JoAnne Fabrics in weeks, looks like I'm missing out on that cute planter:>) This may require a shopping trip....

  9. Fun pictures! I love that you painted the little birdhouse red. That is perfect for a birdhouse! :-) I always paint my bird feeders red also, for it attracts them to it.

  10. Wow, you have really been busy in your yard. Everything looks so cute. Love all the little touches.

  11. I enjoyed this little tour of your beautiful yard. You did a great job with your older pieces. They look happy now. The dragonfly really made me smile. So cute!

  12. You have given me some inspiration for my new yard (just moved). Found you from Sunny Simple Sundays Linky Party!

  13. Nice visit to your garden. Your tea cup on the birdhouse would like nice with a trailing plant in it.

  14. Visiting from Sunny's party -- Your garden and yard are so inviting and fun! Enjoy your time there :)


  15. You've added some great touches to your garden. I'm sure your new tables will provide a base for much fun this summer.

    - The Tablescaper

  16. I love all your "yard art". That is something I want to add more of. I don't have any right now except an iron gate looking thing. The birds tear up my coconut liners so fast! I don't mind them taking a little bit for their nests but they went to town this year! :) I'm going to be on the look out for things I can add to my landscaping.

    Oh, your comment cracked me up. I thought that was weird too and the even weirder part is that she has a child and one on the way! Poor child must not ever get to go outside. :)

  17. Lisa dear, if you had an email I would tell you what's going on..but my family is extremely it's illness. Of the worst kind. :)

    My very favorite is the caterpiller! I LOVE him! Adorble! The eyes kill me! :) You can't help but smile when you look at him...I would love to find one like him..
    I need to spruce up the yard too..but right now I need to finish all the projects I've started.. Your lady with the hanging gardening tools is so funny! I've never seen anything like her anywhere.

  18. Hello, new follower her. Like the look of your blog. We both live in old houses and love our Kindles. I see you enjoy your yard too. I enjoyed your posts and hope you will visit me too when you have time.

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