Friday, February 3, 2017

Ironstone & a Garden Hose Holder?...

So, I have collected quite a bit of ironstone. I have quite a few platters. Fancy scalloped edges, and plain ol' edges. Big platters, small delicate platters. I just don't have a lot of space to display them properly so I can enjoy them on a daily basis. I've thought of hanging them, but that hasn't happened yet. I was in Marshall's the other day and was just kind of looking around, not really looking for anything special and I came across something that I wouldn't normally have thought to use to display my platters...

A Garden Hose Holder...
I don't know why it came to mind to use it for that and I wasn't sure it would look right. 

But, when I got it Home and set it on the buffet in our dining room
 I liked it. And my husband liked it too, which is always good. 

It holds quite a few platters and if you know anything about ironstone platters, they are heavy.
 I was pleased that so many fit in this garden hose holder turned 
Ironstone Platter Holder...

~and it cleared up space in my china cabinet~

~I Love how it looks~

I have them sitting next to my ~Pottery Barn beverage dispenser~ that holds 
one of my ironstone pitchers.

They're sitting on the buffet we picked up a few years ago. 
It is the first piece of furniture we painted and distressed. 
We still love it and it looks great in this space.
 You can see what our buffet looked like before here.

The ironstone looks perfect placed in front of the antique oak mirror turned chalkboard.

Have you every picked up something (like this garden hose holder) and used it for something completely different? I'm not usually a think outside the box kinda girl.
 But, I think this time it worked for me!
Thank you for stopping by!
I'd love to hear what you think about my ironstone platter holder?


  1. I love your idea! My platters are on display because I have no room for them elsewhere. I use a standard cupboard plate holder with the slots, which does help by preventing too much stress or weight on the ones in back. Over all that, I toss some linen before piling in the platters to protect them further. Not as attractive a look as yours! I am snagging for my decorating ideas folder, if that's okay. If not, let me know!

  2. Thank you Vee! I'm honored that you are snagging it. My husband will not let me hang anything on the walls in the dining room so I had to come up with something. This worked! Have a delightful weekend!

  3. what a darling idea...your holder and platters are sooo cute. I collect ironstone (or any white dishes, really) and I have several hanging on walls.
    I am about to have a long white shelf added in our dinning area to sit white pitchers and plates and etc on...I hate hiding them in a hutch...I removed the doors of one of my hutches so part of my collection at least shows up. did really good on your platter holder...:)

  4. I love when things work out that way! This is perfect for displaying and it will make you platters so much easier to actually use when you want or need to. I'm all about actually using the things I collect. And, a good repurpose is always welcome to me.

    Lisa, just wanted to add...I've been catching up on your blog and so happy to see you back at it. You've got my wheels spinning to think of starting mine up again. I'm in the same boat as you these days as an empty nester. Maybe it's time to repurpose this ole gal!

  5. That is brilliant! I always love seeing how people use items in a creative way. It's perfect and I love ironstone too!

  6. What a great idea Lisa! I have a stack of ironstone platters and I may have to try this.


  7. I love it! Love taking things and re-purposing them for other things. Great job.

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